Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is Your Mooch a Narcissist?

The Huffington Post's story on how to tell if you are with a narcissist hit home. Hard.

The article described my marriage. To a tee.

I saw pictures of my house during my marriage. Shit piled everywhere. I'm a single mother now and there is less housework and less shit piled up all over the place.

I had to do it all with an extra person here before. Mooch didn't lift a finger. "I'll do better" he would say.

"I'm just really stressed with work. Can you help me figure out how to do this project for work?" (Of course, I want you to keep your job.)

"How was your day? Oh, you didn't say anything right away. Why won't you tell me anything?" (Because you aren't really listening, Mooch.)

"In college, I quit my fraternity at the last minute before initiation." (No, you were blackballed.)

Ladies, if you are pulling all of the weight, making all of the decisions, wondering why you are feeling "What has he done for me lately? Why are actions not matching words spoken?"....then get out. You've landed yourself a narcissist. And narcissists only can love themselves. You may feel stupid for being fooled, but at least you can get a fresh start...and do a lot of soul searching to make sure you don't attract another one....


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